The Silverback is gone- back to playtime! Los Angeles isn’t really known for their Zoo– San Diego Zoo and San Diego Wild Animal Park usually get noted by those who visit San Diego, but movie studio tours and sunsets over the Pacific usually get Hollywood tourists first votes. But this week Bob and I were craving some kind of animal interaction and the LA Zoo was going to have to do. And I have to admit- it was awesome!We were lucky to arrive right around lunch time and it just so happened to be overcast and gray- which might have helped in getting the animals to be excited and moving around (since it wasn’t so hot).My favorite part was the gorilla reserve area, complete with a waterfall and flowing “river” like stream. These gorillas are Western Lowland Gorillas and are classified as critically endangered due to over hunting and diseases. They travel and live in “bands” with one leader or adult Silverback with several females, teenagers and babies. We were lucky to observe the band eating, playing and respecting the head Silverback for about thirty minutes. It was incredible to watch them interact. If you are in LA for longer than a few days or live near the area, check out the LA Zoo and plant yourself in the Gorilla Reserve area. You’ll be happy you were able to experience such beautiful and interesting animals live their lives. This photo series is for Budget Travelers Sandbox, Thursday Travel Photo– make sure to check out the other bloggers too!