Antelope Canyon. Car-henge. Alimagnet Dog Park, the oddball and beautiful things that speckle the landscape of the US. There are literally hundreds of places in my own country that I want to see; natural wonders, man made sights, and roadside attractions that mark the growth of my nation from a wild fertile wilderness to the culturally diverse system it is today. Most of these places I’ve passed over a dozen times jetting from coast to coast, but now’s the time to see them all first hand- that’s right we’re gearing up for our next big trip, and this time it takes place in our own back yard, the highways and byways of the USA. We’re hoping to spend the summer of 2011 on the road, exploring the towns, attractions, and best overall places that make up our country, but we can’t do it alone. We need your help by voting for us.

So what’s really going on here is that we have entered ourselves in the Best of the Road contest where four teams are going to be picked to spend three weeks exploring what viewers have suggested to be the best that America has to offer. So we need your votes to make sure that we are one of the four finalist. Already voted? Well, the decision about what teams get picked isn’t based solely on the number of votes each team gets, it is also based on each teams Twitter followers and Facebook fans, so if you want to go the extra mile to help us out, make sure you follow us on Twitter and are fans of ours on Facebook.
What makes us special? When we travel, we continually keep our blog active through daily videos, pictures, articles, and posts. So, while we’re traveling, you’ll be able to keep up with us, and hopefully you’ll get to learn more about the US, and maybe add a few more places onto your bucket list.
Oh, and this time it won’t just be Jade and I traveling, we’re going to be packing up our dogs and brining Bolt and Romeo along for the action. They’re not strangers to trips, having visited 6 cites on two coasts so far, but this will be by far their most strenuous trip to date. A word about our two chihuahuas, they’re crazy.
- Romeo – His way or the highway. He’s not afraid to explain how he wants things done and remind you if you have done it wrong.
- Bolt- Needs to be constantly pet, willingly holds his pee until everyone is out of bed (sometimes over 12 hours), eats everything. Bolt has many times been described as the nicer dog, but if you decide not to pet him, watch your back.

What’s in it for you? When Jade, Rob, and I started Vagabond3, our goal was to create an outlet through which we could meet people throughout the world. What better way to meet people than getting off the internet and going town to town? When we’re driving around the country, we are going to be holding tweet-ups and meet-ups, and you are all invited. Even more, if we visit your town, we’d love for you to show us what you think are the best and most important things – you know, what makes your town your hometown. We’d even love to feature guest posts leading up to and during the trip describing the areas we’ll be seeing.
How to Register and Vote in Under 2 Minutes
Voting is simple –
- Click this link, it will take you to our team page
- Click the ‘Vote For Us‘ Button (it’s the green button next to our picture)
- Now you should be at the registration page – All you need is your name, birthdate, and an e-mail address
- Once the form is filled out, click register.
- Now, you will need to go to your e-mail inbox, find the e-mail from Best of the Road and click the link in the e-mail.
- Great! You’re registered! But you’re not done yet.
- Click this link again and you’ll go back to our team page.
- Click the Vote For Us Button.
- Done in under 2 minutes
Thanks so much for supporting us this year and a half of Vagabond3! Voting ends May 23. We want to see this country. We want to meet you. Romeo and Bolt want to pee in new places. Send us your vote and pass this post around.