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How-To *Ask for Help* in 14 Different Languages:

If you’re in trouble when traveling, remember the most common and universally accepted way to ask for assistance is using the English “Help”. However, in situations that aren’t urgent, asking for help in the native language is an easy way to begin a conversation with a native speaker. Especially if you don’t know very much of the language and are unsure if the person with whom you are speaking understands your language, beginning with the native version of ‘help’ can make it easier for others to contextualize the conversation.

How-To ‘Ask for Help’ in 14 Different Languages:

English/Universal – Help!

Spanish – ¡Ayuda! (Help) ¡Ayúdame! (Help Me)

French – Pour Aider

Italian – Aiuto

Japanese – ヘルプ -or- tasukete

Chinese – 幫助 -or- Bāngzhù

German – Hilfe

Thai – ช่วย -or- Ch̀wy

Russian – помощь -or- Pomoshch’

Korean – 돕다 -or- dobda


Icelandic – Hjálp

Hawaiian– Kokua

Hebrew – עֶזרָה

Greek – βοήθεια -or- voítheia

Is there a special way to ask for help where you are from?

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