This week’s topic on Traveler’s Night In, a “tweet-up” for travelers, was NYC/ The Big Apple. Ten questions were asked, tagged #TNI, and it seems that everyone loves NYC!
Q1. What sets New York City apart from other world cities?
- @eurapart ts cinematic, news and music exposure.
- @innalameda NYC is so young compared to other world destinations! And that youth brings energy.
- @letsgotravel: NYC is like 10 cities in one…. sometimes feels like you need a passport!
- @TravelProducer Contrary to popular belief – NYC is E-Z city to navigate walking, bus or subway. If you can count, you’re good Laid out like grid
- @BridalTravelGuy Dirty Water Dogs, NY Yankees, the Swagger of NY’kers, diversity, the pizza, the awe tourists have when visiting
Q2. Where is your secret sanctuary in NYC?
- @WillingFoot The higher end of Riverside Park
- @NewYorkGuest the cloisters!
- @GAT_ChinaTours The furniture section in the Met. No one goes there so it’s super quiet. And you get to look at awesome furniture
- @Banff_Squirrel The Staten Island Ferry. Forces you to slow down and enjoy the spectacular views
- @AnjaniLadki my sanctuary — stephen knoll hair salon. lol I LOVE IT!

Q3. New York City attraction that is worth the hype?
- @earthypets I find the Statue of Liberty quite moving – every time I am there.
- @kerrinsheldon: The top of 30 Rock!
- @TrvlScapeS FAO Schwartz,5th Avenue & Central Park. The perfect oasis in the middle of the city that never sleeps
- @tripping: McSorleys! Oldest put in New York. Definite must.
- @MiddleSeatView So many choices, but my favorite place I always hit up is Trattoria Del’Arte… up by Carnegie Hall
- @NiblickAdMan Carmine’s Great food…HUGE portions!! Come hungry or be prepared to take doggy bags home!
- @duboissd12 Ouzi, Middle Eastern dish at Moustache near NYU’s campus. My mom and I dream about eating it again on a frequent basis
- @TheTrvlPrincess: And the Automat has anyone else been there? http://bit.ly/iKGHrE
- @jetsetfarryn Let’s take a moment of silence for @MagnoliaBakery banana pudding

Q5. Strangest thing you have ever seen on the streets of New York?
- @katiecarroll If you think it’s the Naked Cowboy, you haven’t stayed long enough.
- @CityStyleGuide A neighbor dressed in a garbage bag moving a mattress with an imprint of a human body in brown sludge. on a hot summers day.
- @mina_travelive Puff Daddy Driving 5 miles per hour with body guards walking outside the card. Strange is that no one was honking.
- @Marilyn_Res A5: Strangest thing seen on streets of NYC? A barefoot guy in a wetsuit carrying surfboard on the subway.
Q6. Noteworthy celebrity sightings in NYC? Who do you want to run into?
- @rtwdave I saw Drew Barrymore & Justin Long filming a movie in Central Park last year
- @chasquimedia: I once saw Christopher Walken in the subway. He’s strange.
- @adventurousness A6. The Rent Is Too-Damn High gubernatorial candidate was campaigning in my neighborhood…
- @RickGriffin Geraldo Rivera once poured me a cup of coffee http://bit.ly/k32yWc #tni
- @Shipsandtrips John Cusack. I held my iPod up ovr my head w/ 2 hands as it played “In yr Eyes” by Peter Gabriel. But he couldn’t hear my ear buds.

Q7. Favorite place to stay in New York City?
- @bikehiketravel Only stayed over in NYC once, but I liked the Chelsea Lodge for the location, price and that it was quiet at night.
- @girlsgetaway Greenwich village, love the vibe
- @packdsuitcase I LOVE the Pod Hotel. Affordable but doesn’t compromise style or location at ALL! Pic and mini review http://bit.ly/jrpVSW
- @easytoursofasia I use couchsurfing.com or airbnb.com. Cheaper, and let’s you meet some great people. I haven’t had a bad host yet.
- @knowtheplace I love hostels.You can get beds for $25-$30 a night. Like the Jazz hostels.
Q8. Best on or off-Broadway show ever?
- @MiraCristine Les Miserables!
- @kymri: Lion King. Best. Ever.
- @WanderLoz I will step in here. I saw Rent the first night I got to NYC six years ago. Still one of the best shows I’ve ever seen!
- @Action_JoJo Anything that starred Patti LuPone – Evita, Sweeny Todd, Gypsy. That’s woman’s pipes=AMAZING!
- @addict_nerd Go see the Upright Citizen’s Brigade. Cheap. Funny people. You might see next yrs new stars. Also, I liked Enron. So there.
- @StayAdventurous Man of la Mancha. Changed me. What a story and message.

Q9. If you had unlimited funds, what would you do on your next NYC trip?
- @melanierenzulli Make it rain!
- @eriksmithdotcom 30 days, 30 Broadway Shows (I’d bring all my friends, too)
- @alexberger: Bribe people and re-enecat king kong on the empire state building
- @Inga_Ros I might also buy a bench in Central Park
Q10. Have you taken any fabulous pictures in NYC? Show us!
- @sillyamerica The July 4th hot dog eating contest in NY makes for fabulous photos every year 🙂http://bit.ly/mcEU4o
- @kerrinsheldon Rocking the American flag at Gov. Island summer concerts: http://bit.ly/jO7Mne
- @IsabellesTravel Central Park, http://flic.kr/p/8CemTN
- @BJannsenPhoto Couple of my favs.. http://tinyurl.com/3kftl5d or http://tinyurl.com/3mjl29u orhttp://tinyurl.com/3dztazf
- @gtrot NYC city sunsets are the best http://ow.ly/i/aT5f
Miss #TNI this week? Join in with your answers to the questions in the comments below and make sure to join us next Thursday from 3:30 pm EST- 5:00 pm EST for all the fun!
Thanks to the ZipSetGo girls for organizing a conversation with travelers from all over the world and to YOU for participating in this great group!

*If you have any corrections or issues with the post, especially if it involves your tweet, please e-mail us (go@vagabond3.com) to have it addressed in the fastest way possible.