The first day we were in Sydney, we must have lost our minds. I’m not sure if it was the jet lag, the effects of the Bridge Climb or too many VB’s (Victoria Bitters), but all our travel experience and knowhow went out VAustralia’s window. Let me set the scene for you, if I may…
We are checking into a hostel and need to book the return shuttle for our flight the next day. Instead of listening to our gut and using what we know about travel delays and traffic congestion, we blindly take the advice of the hostel receptionist and book a shuttle for two hours before we need to be at the airport for check-in. This seems kind of close, but he reassures us that domestic flights only required an hour before hand for check- in.
Fast forward to the next day when we are sitting in our shuttle waiting for other passengers to board. They aren’t ready and the shuttle bus driver tells us that we’ll have to wait for them. Time is clinking away, we have driven around our hostel twice picking up other people at different hotels. It was about fifteen minutes before our hour check-in time would pass, in the back of a shuttle bus, when we started the Best Case/ Worst Case game.
Best case that can happen- the traffic clears up and we make the flight. Well, actually, BEST CASE is that Richard Branson stops our shuttle bus and flies us around Australia on his private plane. Same goes with worst case- worst case, we miss our flight and have to rebook for the following day, which would greatly screw up our plans and cost us some dough. But really… Worst case scenario would be if our shuttle bus driver didn’t stop at the traffic light and plowed us into a semi, we die and our parents are left childless. NOW, THAT IS WORST CASE!
Before long, we were laughing, instead of worrying whether or not we were going to miss our flight. (We didn’t- by the way.) This game can go on and on and really helped us out of some stressful situations that we had no control over.
Another quite fun example was when we were on the Great Ocean Road. Besides being some of the most beautiful coast line I’ve ever seen and a really great road trip, there was hardly any food along the 8 hour drive. We were starving. Best case scenario- Taco Bell tacos start pouring from the sky and then chicken nuggets follow. (We are fatties) Worst Case scenario- the only food left in Australia is vegemite and we’re forced to eat every last jar of it!
Next time you’re in a sticky situation, try playing Best Case/ Worst Case and see if things don’t immediately lighten up. Even if things don’t go your way, it’s probably not the worst thing that could happen. Cheers!