As you are all very well aware, we ate and drank our way through Atlanta last week to meet up with family and friends to celebrate our engagement. We ate Bob’s favorite hot dogs, we took a leisurely stroll by the Chattahooche River, and we partied until the late, late hours (read= 2am) with our friends in Mid-town.
Living in California, we don’t get to see our families and East Coast friends as much as we’d like so this weekend couldn’t have been more special and more fun with all of them around.
And just because I’m still smiling from that weekend, here are some of my favorite photos from the engagement party extravaganza!
Photos from Friday night:

And now: Saturday’s Engagement Party at Bob’s Aunt Micki and Uncle Jim’s House on Lake Red Wine

Thanks again to friends and families for visiting with us this weekend. You made us feel so special and loved and I can’t wait to kick off the big party in April!