Tis the season for pies. Seriously, this month alone I think I’ve eaten more pie than the other 11 months combined. And, I’m not complaining. I love pie. Key Lime pie, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, chocolate mouse pie, pecan pie, mixed berry pie, basically- if you put stuff into a pie crust, I’m probably going to like it. (It’s similar with taco shells. Almost anything taste good as a taco!)

Well, in the 6 years that Bob and I have lived in LA, we’ve traveled to a few places outside of the city to try their pies. One of our favorite places was the Apple Farm, where you can pick your own apples, try apple cider, apple donuts- even apple burritos. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it out there this year, but we did have something just as special (and more local).
You might remember a few weeks ago when we went to Big Bear for the weekend. Besides the beautiful Fall weather, the long seven mile hike and so-so Mexican food, we brought along a few mini pies from Cutie Pie That.
Cutie Pie That makes the most adorable and delicious mini pies and heart pie sticks that I’ve ever seen and tasted. To say that we were immediately the hit of the party when we broke these out would be a huge understatement. I grabbed several spoons and we went to town, each person tasting a little of each pie. Instead of the loud room we walked into, it was now filled with “ooh’s” and “mmm’s”. Everyone had their personal fav, but I think I liked the little pie on a stick the best. I mean, it wins on cute points alone!
If you live in Los Angeles, you are in luck! Cutie Pie That sells their little pies all around town at different events. Check out there website for more information and where they will be next.
*While Cutie Pie That did supply the pies to Vagabond3 to try, the opinions on pies and how I liked them are all my own. It’s a hard days work when I have to try pie for a living!