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My Husband has a Dad Blog, and it’s freaking me out

When Bob told me he was starting a blog I was supportive but skeptical. While I loved the idea of him having a creative outlet, I didn’t think he’d stick to it. I mean, how many of us have started something new only to have totally forgotten about it less than a week later.

But he has stuck to it, for multiple days a week, and now for months and months.

He covers all aspects of life, but a lot of the daily blogs are about our 2.8 year old daughter and their relationship.

He also, very openly, talks about marriage, parenthood, being a creative in 2018, being a creative as a parent, being a son, growing older, and very silly moments too, like he’s crazy sexy hair and the power of showering as a freelancer.

Every morning when I know he’s posted a new blog post, I get anxious; freaked out. What is the post about this time? And even though I shouldn’t make this about me, I do. Did I do something that he’s blogged about? Good or bad, I’m always wondering what he’s blogged about. If it’s about Augustine, what did she do- again, good or bad, and how is she going to feel about this blog later in life. When it’s not about one of us, I sigh with relief, and then can’t wait to devour it.

Mostly though, I love seeing his relationship with Augustine play out through the words he ever so eloquently types. I love reading his thoughts and happiness and fears that we might not get to talk about each day. And while he might not understand it or even know it, I feel like his blog has made me understand his reasoning and reactions more than ever before in our relationship- which is saying something because we’ve been in a relationship for almost half my life now.

A marriage is such a weird relationship and honestly, he paints a better picture of myself as a wife than I feel like I’ve actually been lately. (I’m very thankful for that, while also acknowledging that I need to step it up in the wife department)

Maybe everyone needs their significant other to start a blog- to honestly talk about life in a way that we might just not have enough time for in our daily lives, even if some of the moments are cringe-worthy (hello- Augustine’s poop story). It’s been so wonderful and weird to see our “in real life” friends comment on his blog about how they have had similar feelings and reactions. That his blog posts have helped them feel no so alone. How amazing is it, especially when it feels like the world keeps getting bigger and more disconnected.

He’s always been a storyteller, but I’m loving this story the best of all.



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