Protecting yourself while you are on holiday is all about taking sensible precautions. Just what these are really depends on where you’ll be travelling, but thankfully there is plenty of good, detailed advice available online from several impartial sources, including the Government. Wherever you are headed, arranging decent travel insurance is an essential preparation for ensuring that you have a solid safety net in place when travelling. The trick is to obtain the cover that you need at the best possible price, while avoiding the false economy. Taking a representative example from one of the established providers in the industry, we will now look at how you can save money purchasing holiday travel insurance from Santander. We will then highlight some of the most important details to look out for in any travel insurance policy if you want to make sure that you are properly protected.
The first tactic for saving money on travel insurance is simply about the way that you buy. The most convenient method for the consumer – purchasing online – is also the cheapest, with most travel insurance providers now offering a substantial discount if you buy your policy this way. The main reason for this is that the convenience is shared by both parties, as the insurer saves admin costs with online transactions. Santander offers a 25% discount when you buy travel insurance online, and this kind of offer is matched by many of the other leading providers.
Such substantial savings can help you afford to get the cover you really need, rather than just the cover you feel you can afford. Many of the very cheapest travel insurance products have such a long list of exceptions in the fine print that actually claiming on the policy when you need to can be impractically difficult. This was the false economy mentioned above, as a travel insurance policy that you cannot actually claim on when needed is worse than useless.
Medical cover provisions are a particularly important issue to look at, and with the potential to be the most expensive type of claim that can be made on a travel insurance policy, the fine print will be detailed and exhaustive. If you are planning on being active while you are away, the specifics of the medical cover is even more important, as most general travel insurance policies need to be beefed up with the purchase of extra sports cover if you’ll be skiing or mountain biking.
Let’s hope he took out a comprehensive insurance policy
As well as covering all injuries that could be sustained during your planned activities, it is important thatthe travel insurance also contains a provision to get you back home if you require hospitalisation for any length of time. Repatriation, as it is known, can be very expensive – particularly from more remote locations – and so make sure that you thoroughly check out the stipulations regarding this aspect of cover if you want to make sure that you really are properly protected while on holiday. For more information and impartial travel advice, try looking at:
Image: Sura Nualpradid