- @loriannelacey Hot tub time machine
- @packDsuitcase Teleportation.
- @MikeCjourno Abolish borders, visa and restrictions on travel
- @Inga_Ros I would build a bridge from #Iceland to mainland Europe
- @wherechugo: Make all the water in the world potable
- @lilmissplanet Direct flights to each part of the world, no more stopover§
- @MyIslandArtJon Weightless ever-expanding luggage
Q2. Most imaginative food you’ve ever eaten? Where?
- @HanWood1 Snake testicles … Vietnam
- @raghavmodi Octopus at the time in Greece. Never thought I’d have it and I loved it.
- @khegre Most imaginative food ever eaten? A2. Camel (at least we were told it was camel). It was very chewy.
- @eriksmithdotcom Hákarl- Rotted Shark meat dish in Iceland- the question was imaginative, not good!
- @shipsandtrips the first time I had a flavored “foam” in Barcelona – blew my mind. Still don’t love ’em…
- @hejorama: Lavander Ice-Cream in Nice, France. Yes, it did taste like soap..
- @Action_JoJo Cuy in Peru, dog & fertilized duck egg in Philippines, alligator in Florida

Q3. Most innovative form of transportation you’ve taken?
- @Wanderingtradr Drug Dealer’s transport
- @TheWorldCalls Donkey. Wadi Qelt. Israel
- @ecuadorguide Bus mounted on train tracks in Ecuador
@ McMedia I think @virginamerica is VERY innovative
- @MiraCristine monorail in Disney World
- @monicalwilliams I “surfed” down a volcano on a board in #Nicaragua
Q4. Ground-breaking hotel or hostel? Why?
- @InroadsIreland Floating river huts on the River Kwai in Thailand
- @wherechugo Just give me clean, good mattress, nice linens, counter space at the sink, free Wi-Fi, no cigarette smoke.
- @MiddleSeatView The Diagonal Hotel in Barcelona has “personal” elevators – you type in the number of your floor & the elevator comes just for you.
- @GAT_ChinaTours That Treehouse Hotel in Sweden is pretty cool. You seriously are one with the forest
- @zipsetandrea Always wanted to have a “short” stay at one of the Ice hotels
- @katiecarroll1 Is there a hostel in Salzburg that doesn’t play The Sound of Music 24/7? Because that would be groundbreaking.
Q5. Inventive way you’ve recovered from travel delays/bad luck on the road?
- @MikeCjourno Car breaks down, you stick your thumb out
- @tripping Make friends! How you do so can be inventive…
- @IPrefer Friendship shots with strangers in a bar at Pinkie Masters in Savannah when our car broke down
- @eurapart Get out an explore while waiting for rescheduled leg of journey. Unless it’s Doncaster 😉
- @ehalvey This thing called a bar. They’re pretty handy. Also museums are always good time fillers
- @Ult_Mantrip went back to the slot machines in the vegas airport to kill time and make bad luck turn around!
Q6. Anti-innovation…what do you miss from travel days gone by?
- @GRobin: My grandmother used to make me dress up to travel. She wore white gloves and hat too. Miss the elegance of days gone by.
- @InroadsIreland Writing postcards.
- @TryItFoodTravel Back in the day, air travel seemed so luxurious. Now we just cram ourselves in and hope for the best.
- @LandLopers I miss when out of the office meant out of the office. Getting a work call in the middle of nowhere is a travel buzzkill
- @KatrinaMauro not checking my bag just because I strongly prefer my own face wash and shampoo.
- @travelfootprint Like when all your family and friends went to the airport to see you off. It was a big event!
Q7. Imaginative ways to save money while traveling?
- @DestinationCabo Shower with clothes on = free laundry service
- @allison_b216 Stay in a vacation rental instead of hotel and make some meals on your own
- @ishouldlogoff Overnight trains and buses!
- @LindsayTessis Make friends from around the world while you travel, so you have plenty of people to visit in other countries!
- @CravenTravels Attach leisure travel to a business trip.
- @KelseyIvey Avoid uploading photos to facebook when you are paying by the MB for internet!
- @TatumLetard Tripadvisor, Yelp, Urbanspoon, Twitter friends, Facebook friends… I love asking people I know from diff cities
- @ConciergeQ Tweet when you have a food craving! “I’m in Seattle-where can I find great Dim sum?”
- @ecocolorstours Participation in Twitter talks! Its a whole bunch of great info, and great people willing to answer questions!
- @DeltaVacations: A.8 Follow your favorite airlines, hotels, destinations and vacation providers for deals and giveaways!

Q9. State-of-the-art features you’d like to see on airplanes?
- @MalloryOnTravel Mile high club plaques on the fuselage
- @kerrberr Power outlets in ALL planes
- @Brendanvanson All I want is a bloody plug in and WiFi, is that too much to ask for?
- @spinstercompass Built-in computers, a way use mobile phones on planes, chairs that lean back like beds in ALL classes :-/ , massage chairs.
- @ZipSetRachel: Ambien laced air on overnight flights.
- @tifany74 Bathrooms big enough for that extra 10 you gained while eating on vacation!
- @banffrocks We should give airlines a clock that works.
- @thecitizeNY NYC is pretty innovative. Free wi-fi areas outside so you don’t have to be gouged for hotel wi-fi services 😉
@eriksmithdotcom A peaceful, multi-ethnic Jerusalem would be very innovative (and great for everyone)@letsgotravel Amsterdam for its urban design galore, plus it’s a kingdom for cyclists!
- @MalloryOnTravel Berlin …awesome city, very modern, plenty of culture, lots of nightlife, and embraces the future
- @NomadKeith Dubai, I think … lots of modern; world’s longest driverless train line etc. but still some ‘old’ if you look for it
Thanks to @RickGriffin @ecuadorguide @gmfriedrich and @emirhartato for great photos for the recap!
Miss #TNI this week? Join in with your answers to the questions in the comments below and make sure to join us next Thursday from 3:30 pm EST- 5:00 pm EST for all the fun!
Thanks to the ZipSetGo girls for organizing a conversation with travelers from all over the world and to YOU for participating in this great group!
*If you have any corrections or issues with the post, especially if it involves your tweet, please e-mail us (go@vagabond3.com) to have it addressed in the fastest way possible.