Q1. Stickiest situation you’ve been in abroad?
- @ecuadorguide: Knee-high in agave (penco) honey
- @SailingKairos: Poisonwood sap. Yup. Burned a hole in my arm. Ended up on antibiotics
- @claudiabia: “Cab driver” asking for a $100 more to open the trunk and give me my luggage back.
- @MiddleSeatView: My husband and I were detained at the US embassy in the Bahamas. Turns out you cannot take a photo of the American flag flying outside
- @packdsuitcase case of mistaken identity led me being obtained by Greek police.by the end we’re sharing shots of ouzo
- @laurentraveler: getting completely lost on the Tube in #London. A little embarrassing, but true. I called my husband in US to help me!
- @deannsmithkc: Brakes failing on bike and nearly going face down into 50-foot ravine in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains. Guide saved me
- @Intoperu: Stuck in my frozen tent on Apolobamba Trek, Bolivia. Companion too busy singing and dancing to notice.
Q2. Fastest you have ever driven? Where? Vehicle?
- @BatGirl76: 110 mph, open flat roads in TX, in my aunt’s Camaro.
- @mattdallin: About 180… km/h There are some really long straight roads here in #Alberta
- @ilovebellyrubs: 88 mph, Delorean, heading from 1985 to 1955.
- @iprefer: Outside of Death Valley, CA. 178 mph. Lotus
Q3. One time when being reckless paid off?
- @chris2x: proposing… after only dating 30 days… will celebrate 30 years in Nov
- @thecitizeNY: I was abit reckless with money in New Orleans. At Harrah’s. But big payoff. Won most of it back, $2500 on my last dollar.
- @runawayjane: Booking a spur of the moment flight when I was 17 to Australia. Was the birth of my travel bug, and have never stopped since. 🙂
- @earthypets: Sleeping on the beach in Tel Aviv, and talking to the Palestinians teens all night long
- @KnowThePlace: Fought back against some muggers one time, and watched as their pansy-asses took off running!
- @zipsetrachel: Any dangerous adventure – white water rafting, zip-lining they are all worth the risk!
- @roundwego Went extra mile on a trek in Nepal. Leopard jumped 10 feet in front of us on our path.

Q4. What is the riskiest food you’ve ever eaten?
- @beforeiam35: Balut. Came right back up though.
- @MagellanPR: Well am quite conservative so a VIP gift of an eyeball was something I had to eat but found quite difficult!
- @greenglobaltrvl: I ate chocolate-covered cuttlefish in Hawaii & was at risk of losing my lunch. Does that count
- @banffrocks: Winning the Tijuanana tap water drinking contest with couple buddies. I won 50 Pesos and lost 6 pounds.
- @twoyearsoff: Rat meat in Vietnam, raw horse meat in Japan that was really delicious
- @AfieAfie:Maybe it was a drink, Cobra’s essence. Once in a lifetime!
Q5. Biggest adrenaline rush you’ve ever had?
- @HabagatCentral: Biggest adrenaline rush…well, a near car accident on a rainy afternoon with my family at Rizal Province, Philippines.
- @AnjaniLadki: As jumping off of waterfalls in Dominican republic. And Idk how to swim!!
- @elleswim: Free climbed a series of 5 waterfalls w/ my bros. No ropes, anchors, harnesses and terrible shoes. park rangers came out 2 watch
- @LuxuryTravelMom: Meeting Bon Jovi… Biggest adrenaline rush
- @shipsandtrips Grabbed my purse back from a purse snatcher in Belize City – that was an adrenaline rush!
- @rumtherapy: Doorless helicopter ride over Kauai
- @NatGeoKrista: Waking up to hear a hippo chewing and breathing right outside of my tent screen!

Q6. Most out-of-character thing you’ve done while traveling?
- @jetsetfarryn: Went shopping in a mall in Spain, ha!
- @roamingboomers Biggest adrenaline rush? Walking across a 20ft bed of hot coals barefoot.
- @MalloryOnTravel: Took a guidebook to Marrakech, never again, much prefer doing my research before travelling, then exploring spontaneously
- @LuxTravelAndrea: On a Norway cruise a few yrs ago drank too much & asked the dj to play Heavens on Fire by KISS, & danced like it was 1985 again.
- @azgetawaytravel: Freaked out when I misplaced my camera in the lobby at Tabacon. I had been an idiot that day and put my remaining cash in the case.
- @sillyamerica: oh and I guess there was that one night stand or 2 I’ve never done in America…
Q7. Biggest consequence from being reckless?
- @addict_nerd: Thus, my debt. ;D RT @BootsnAll: A7: I’ve never had a travel problem that money couldn’t solve.
- @LindsayTessis: Third degree burn on my leg. Playing jump rope (when the rope is on fire) and you’ve been drinking is a bad, bad, bad idea.
- @LifeinSicily: Confronted by nude man on deserted hill on Santiago de Compostela Camino took scenic route alone
- @azgetawaytravel: Had a telemkting job when I 1st moved to AZ from OH. One a.m. on the way 2 work, just kept on driving & ended up in CA -and jobless
- @fredamoon: Self-inflicted pesticide poisoning from over-application of Deet. German travelers saved me with, “silly American, take a shower.”
Q8. Largest financial risk you’ve taken in your travels?
- @foodieintl: My travels. Trying to turn a foodie’s wild dream into reality
- @ehalvey: Stepping inside a shoe store.
- @fun2bblonde: Fly round trip on the Concorde to Paris
- @ali_t: I’m usually quite sensible with money, then I start drinking
- @Marilyn_Res: Driving to Philly to watch daughter run in Penn Relays when I had no $ for parking or entrance fee

Q9. Be a cautionary tale – youthful actions you wouldn’t do again?
- @dangerjr: Huge suitcases should be left at home. Or not purchased in the first place.
- @beforeiam35: Oh, and don’t go to Belgrade as a soccer fan to a team opposing Partizan. 4 hours spent ducking flares, coins, rocks and bottles
- @donnadeau: I regret not doing more foolish youthful actions!
- @TravelingTasha: Spending + money on things rather than EXPERIENCES. U could travel the world twice on what u spend on clothes.
- @twoonholiday Not learning (really learning) a foreign language.
- @driftingfocus I regret not spending more time in Canada during my year-long North American roadtrip.
- @happyjourneys No speed travel. Life teaches you: look closely & enjoy thoroughly, you may never get to see it again!
- @WriterChick47: Drink whatever it was that made me end up in Kentucky!
Q10. Tips for staying safe while throwing caution to the wind?
- @justinhamlin: Isn’t that called ‘travel insurance’? LO
- @ACarlton: A10. Always think “WWMD” …What Would Mom Do…
- @fun2bblonde: Have a good wing man or women to keep you somewhat out of trouble
- @Letsgotravel: Too true. 127 hours was a great movie, but would have been a lot shorter if he had left a note
- @graceface Trust your spidey sense. If a sitch feels wrong, it probably is. Get out of there w/o worrying about being rude.
Miss #TNI this week? Join in with your answers to the questions in the comments below and make sure to join us next Thursday from 3:30 pm EST- 5:00 pm EST for all the fun!
Thanks to the ZipSetGo girls for organizing a conversation with travelers from all over the world and to YOU for participating in this great group!
*If you have any corrections or issues with the post, especially if it involves your tweet, please e-mail us (go@vagabond3.com) to have it addressed in the fastest way possible.