This week’s topic on Traveler’s Night In, a “tweet-up” for travelers, was Urban Adventures. Ten questions were asked and tagged #TNI- Here are the questions:
Q1. Most adventurous thing you’ve done in a city?
-@eriksmithdotcom Skinny dipping in Lake Michigan at night in Chicago!
-@jcreaturetravel Kayaking in NYC’s Hudson River. And in Phoenix, hiking South Mountain in August when temp was 105 F
-@WorkMomTravels Navigated Rome’s Metro w/ my mom, hubs & toddler in tow. They appointed me the leader
-@lindsontheroad Accidentally walked into an area of Paris full of prostitutes. It was a weekday at 10am and we were looking for Pere Lachaise!
-@keithepetri My friend spent the night in an ATM room for warmth!
Q2. Urban adventure gone awry…tell us your stories!
-@kerrberr so that 54 blocks in NYC counts… from times square to sarendipity.. with a detour on the way of about 10 block
-@adventurousness Bangkok while the Red Shirt protestors decided to take over my block last year…fun times…
-@ehalvey trying to see the tombs along the Via Appia in Rome, the bus took so long it was closed. After going the wrong way the day before.
-@clareappleyard: Used a public toilet in China….
-@worldschooled kicked off an island in Halong Bay by the Vietnamese military.
Q3. Most unique local food adventure you’ve had in a city?
-@heliyes Falling back on the grilled guinea pig again here…
-@toeuropewithkid In Berlin, at a fancy restaurant, they had tubs of cold, solidified bacon fat on the tables to dip your bread in.
-@alexisartichoke Jellyfish in Japan – not as gelatinous as you would think
-@IEtravel I went to college at Bama & when we beat Florida…we ran a Gainesville restaurant out of Gator meat! #RollTide
-@TinyTravelLady Maybe should also include stuffed heart, cod tongues, roast turr, & seal flipper pie in#Newfoundland

Q4.Most adventurous form of urban transportation you’ve taken?
-@deannsmithkc Taxi ride after #Saints won last seconds at Superdome. We went 70 mph on 1-way streets on return to Quarter. Wrong-way on 1-way streets
-@AdrianBono Have any of you been to some of the trains heading into the Greater Buenos Aires area? Some of them have no floor!
-@Carolinekdavis Toss up between bareback on a donkey through the streets of Santorini, Greece and hopping on stranger’s moped in Shanghai, China.
-@WindStarCruises Does a sailing yacht count if you’re using it to get to the city??
Q5. Tips for finding adventure in any city?
-@Only398 There are 4 main personality types. Find the adventurous people. They’re loud and love to have fun! Easy to find!
-@katyabroad Wander down any small side-street that catches your eye and isn’t in your guide-book.
-@thetripchicks: Walk up to a college-age student and ask.
-@NomadKeith Buy a 24-hour ticket for the bus/tram/ Metro system & just get on and off as the fancy takes you.
-@wheresandrew Put your feet in the fountain
Q6. Most adventurous night out on the town?
-@realclubresorts I went to a strangers wedding reception in Corfu Greece.
-@MalloryOnTravel The 1 spent 10 minutes on the flagpole sticking out from about the Italian police station trying to steal the flag, in younger days
-@eurapart: A night at Oktoberfest with a local. Then forgetting the code to get back into my hotel, sleeping in car.
-@LindsayTessis Scavenger hunt in Sydney for a friend’s birthday. Involved streaking through fountains, plenty of beer, singing to strangers, etc
-@ZipSetRachel The night I ended up on the Canadian ambassador to Italy’s couch.

Q7. Favourite urban green space for an adventure?
-@candicewalsh A7: Halifax’s Public Gardens, if adventure means pushing people into the pond
-@CindyRichards Favorite urban green space: Always Chicago’s amazing lakefront. Thanks, Daniel Burnham.
-@travel_version Probably Hyde Park in Sydney.
-@robinwsmith Adirondack State Park in NY – camping, hiking, fishing, kaying, everything
-@iprefer Forsyth Park in Savannah, Ga. Way too beautiful and way too warm. Fun adventure awaits.
Q8. City you most like to explore on foot?
-@thetravelword Not the usual choice, but I love it: BANGKOK!
-@budgettravelsac Come June, Vancouver will be fun to explore by foot for #TBEX
-@EpsteinTravels: Edinburgh or London
-@Banff_Squirrel: I’d like to walk Dublin like Riverdance and New York like Stomp!
-@shuttertours *Ahem* It’s obvious for us, but Seattle has a lot to offer on foot! 🙂
Q9. Most memorable local urban experience while traveling?
-@GAT_ChinaTours An old Korean man tried to give me a ring on the metro in Paris. He was excited to see another Asian…I think…It was weird
-@WeekendInParis While on business in Houston in 1994 was offered playoff tix for Rockets Championship game. Blast!
-@Intrepid_Travel exploring Stockholm’s waterways on an invigorating kayak tour & biking around Bangkok’s backstreets

Q10. What urban adventures do you have planned this year?
-@TravelsceneUSA My urban adventure: Tahiti in 5 weeks. Can’t wait to explore the reefs and settle into my OWB
-@AmericanSahara Whitewater festival in downtown Reno, NV, this weekend!
-@Moscerina Hohenschwangau to live my #chittychittybangbang dreams and see Neuschwanstein Castle
-@foodieintl Next weekend’s culinary bday whirlwind in Istanbul, in July two quick getaways to Sarajevo and Kiev. (upcoming urban fun!)
Miss #TNI this week? Join in with your answers to the questions in the comments below and make sure to join us next Thursday from 3:30 pm EST- 5:00 pm EST for all the fun!
Thanks to the ZipSetGo girls for organizing a conversation with travelers from all over the world and to YOU for participating in this great group!
*If you have any corrections or issues with the post, especially if it involves your tweet, please e-mail us (go@vagabond3.com) to have it addressed in the fastest way possible.